Bring your research to life with video surveys

Video insights from anyone - anywhere

Video surveys for insightful answers to any question

Add colour to qualitative research with in-depth diaries.

Video surveys in action

Bring the world to you

Consumer insights wherever you need them.

Users around the world

Emotive insights for great teams

We partner with the world’s biggest brands to find out how their customers think

Some of the brands we have carried out research for

See what they see. Feel what they feel.

Customer video brings a whole new dimension to your qualitative research

Brand audits

We’ve helped capture customers’ brand relationships on dozens of brand audits. Verbate provides a window into the lives of current and past customers, using a client’s own lists, or as part of a broader market test. Nothing hits home or drives action like customers pointing out brand mis-alignments & weaknesses.

High impact

We understand that there’s more competition than ever and that going the extra mile when pitching for new business sets you apart. Let us help you stand out with slick, relevant insight for your next big pitch. Have real live customers at your back to support your proposal or strategic direction.

Concept testing

Quickly and easily test new creative concepts, with actual customers in different markets around the world. Whether social media or tv video, packaging concepts or communications approaches - let us help with cost-effective and comprehensive video feedback. Especially powerful to gather first reactions, as customers catch their first glimpse of a new design or react to an ad for the first time.

Customer attitudes

Verbate empowers customers to share their preferences and experiences by capturing the whole range of human emotion and expression. You can capture their voice as they interact with products, brands and experience services then easily share the results for quicker, better insight.

Video customer profiles

Bring your customers to life for those parts of an organisation that don’t have as much direct contact. If being customer centred is a strategic priority, video is the best way to help your team understand customers, their world and brand experience.

Tracking and segmentation studies

Easily add video to quantitative studies to add flavour to traditional statistical reporting. Reinforce trends or key themes in the data with clips of real customers describing them as well as potential causes. Video is also a great way to bring market segments to life – and we can work with panel providers to automatically collect a few example videos from segments.

Amaeze Madukah | PRS Qualitative Researcher
A great tool for valuable consumer insight
A great experience working with the Verbate team - It was great to immerse ourselves into the consumer's world without intruding on their personal space.
Jamie Campbell | Elmwood Brand Provocator
Our client was blown away! They had never seen insights like it.
Charlotte Ferrand | Magnum & Co Senior PR and Communications Consultant
Verbate directly contributed to the development of our strategy and helped us to win the work. I'd definitely recommend Verbate as a tool for insight-driven marketing strategies.
Matt Michaud | Brand Genetics Director - Insight and Innovation
We've worked with Verbate on over a dozen projects to get closer to consumers - remotely
Overall, a pretty seamless process. Respondents found it easy to use, which drove a higher and faster response rate and both our team and clients had easy access to follow posts as they were being uploaded.

Ready to get started?

Jump in and send out your own video surveys.