Ad agency pitch support



  • Consumers come to life on topics chosen by you on an edited showreel to use in your pitch


  • Helping you win more pitches by achieving emotional impact via the voice of the consumer
  • The vast majority of our clients go on to win pitches

Deliverables (Typically)

  • Full human transcriptions and mp4 videos
    • Transcription for each video
    • Subtitled videos also available
  • Edited showreel
    • Professional editing, logo/text insertion/s, soundtracks and subtitle

Time (Typically)

You can see the consumer videos within 2½ weeks and have the edited showreel within 3 weeks

  • Set up – 2 to 3 days
  • Recruiting – 5 to 10 days (can vary by country/type of consumer)
  • Consumer videos – 1 week
  • Showreel preparation – 2 to 3 days (can vary for foreign languages)

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